The Rotary club of Kalimpong organised a at Rotary Centre.The Workshop was held with the support of Kalimpong Municipality’s five Self Help group of 30 female participants.The main aim of the Workshop was to bring awareness & impart knowledge among the general mass that menstruation is a part of a growing up of a healthy female body. It is a unique biological aspects preparing a female body for procreation to continue the future generations of mankind.Secondly to ensure that while growing up the female body requires plenty of iron and vitamin c as nutrients for a healthy body & a mind.And proper steps should be followed to maintain Menstrual hygiene while menstruating to protect oneself from Urinary tract infections & cervical cancer.Further, in the absence of Menstruation (Amenorrhea)
(a)even after attending the age of 15 years OR (b) even
After menstruation, if the Menstruation does not restart after 90 days,
It is advised to consult a doctor.The workshop was well received by the participants and expressed their desire if this kind of workshop is held with teenage girls, then it would be very helpful.