Club Members
Message from Rtn Sheila Rai Fudong.
It is an honour and a privilege for me to be installed as the 33rd President of the Rotary Club of Kalimpong. To be led by a woman Rotary International President Rtn Stephanie Urchick with the presidential theme ‘The Magic of Rotary’ which has resonated deeply within me is even more special. Our District Governor, Rtn Sukhminder Singh wants us to enjoy the one year which has been allotted to all the incoming Presidents while coming up with meaningful, measurable, impactful and sustainable projects at the same time. I pledge to be very hands on with the responsibility bestowed on me. My friends in Rotary are my backbone, my hands and my heart. I look up to each one of you for guidance and support. Our partners in service ie our 6 Interact Clubs also inspire me everyday to be the best version of myself. And so does my life partner and my family. Here I would like to congratulate outgoing President Rtn Mahendra, his Board of Directors and all our members for navigating the Rotary year ‘23-‘24 with skill and aplomb. We know we are here for a purpose. And we will serve to achieve this purpose to the best of our abilities. The Four Way Test reminding us constantly to be ethically responsible because at the end of the day, spirituality is very important too for all human beings.
All Rotarians are leaders. They come from varied backgrounds and professions. The ideals of Rotary bind us together into one homogeneous, organic organisation. This more than a 100 years old international service organisation encompasses the whole planet. The sun never sets in the Rotary world. A Rotarian somewhere is either providing safe drinking water, planting a tree or disseminating information about health and hygiene. These are just minuscule examples of how Rotarians serve. The Rotary Club of Kalimpong has always had strategic plans to help our community at large. We have done this in the past and will continue to do so in the future. Having said this, I look up to the way our Charter President Retd Brig Rtn NK Gurung has set the benchmark for our Club. I can proudly say that there’s not a club in Rotary International District 3240 who has not heard about the punctuality and discipline of our club. Anecdotes about this aspect of our’s abound. Our charter members and all our senior Rotarians, some past and some present, our selfless donors, all have served with heart and soul. The onus lies on each one of us members to do the same. The Magic of Rotary cannot be achieved by just waving a wand. We will have to dedicate and volunteer our man hours to create the magic of having a world free of diseases, of negative peace and wars and conflict, of climate change linked natural disasters, of a safe environment for our children. I could go on but time is of the essence here. Thank you all and have a wonderful evening and a Magical Year ahead.