Blood Donation Camp Held on 14/07/2024.

14/7/24 The Rotary Club of Kalimpong organised a Blood Donation Camp at the Rotary Centre today. Blood collected group wise:
A+ = 8 units
B+ = 7 units
AB+=2 units
O+=10 units
Total unit collected = 27 units
Total registration 31 person.
We were looking to collect 30 units and we are satisfied with today’s numbers. The camp was held in conjunction with the Kalimpong District Voluntary Blood Donor’s Forum and the Blood Centre, Kalimpong District Hospital Their medical support staff were amazing. They were so professional. Certificates were issued to the donors by the Blood Centre.
17 Rotarians, 5 Anns and 2 Rotarylets were present RC Kalimpong is grateful to all the volunteers.


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