Menstruation and Maintenance of Menstrual Hygiene.

Menstruation and Maintenance of Menstrual Hygiene.
An Awareness program on Menstruation and maintenance of menstrual hygiene was organised with the class lX students of Jubilee High School,Kalimpong on 11.8.2023 under the Women’s Empowerment Program.
The aim of the program was to educate the growing girls to understand that menstruation is a part of growing up, a sign of healthy body & the body developing for procreation to continue to continue future generations.
Further to make them aware that in the following cases, they need to consult a doctor;
a. Absence of periods even after 15 ys.
b. Menstruation occurs and does not restarts even after a gap of ninty days.
c. Bleeding/Heavy in between the periods.
And to draw their attention that while menstruating, it is very important for the girls to take proper care of their body & maintain proper hygiene to avoid the risk of Urinary Tract Infections & Cervical Cancers.
Rtn. Sanjogita Subba, Chair, WEC.


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